What is this?

What is this? I don't really know, other then a continuation of my updates and writings that I was sharing previously on Caringbridge of this journey through cancer and now widowhood and single parenting.

Maybe it won't end up being anything at all, or maybe it will be a glimpse into my heart, my life, my current situation, my testimony.

Whatever it becomes, I am touched that you are interested.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Faciltiy - Day 3

This is gonna be a quick post cause I'm tired, but I wanted to share a couple bright spots in the past couple days.

But first, I want to thank you so much for prayers that we make memories and have precious moments in this journey of such sorrow.

Like I've said before, Brandon's tender heart continues to shine. He is gracious to the nurses and all of us who are helping him, always saying 'Thank you for taking such good care of me'.

Since getting more continuous meds the past few days we've gotten to even have quite a few laughs with him.

Today he was joking with my dad about how golf would be a terrible sport for him to play with his lack of patience. And yesterday he could see my dad holding Aria in the other room and said, 'Your dad is so good with kids.' HA! This is funny if you know my dad was called Uncle Grouch by my cousins, so that made us laugh. However, he is better with kids then he would admit to. :)

Brandon pokes fun at us whenever he can, and when his energy is limited and words can be few, it makes us smile to still experience his spirit.

The brightest part of my day though was when we dressed Aria up in a cute jacket, hat and boots that Bonnie got her. (See pic). I held her up for Brandon to see and his face just lit up and he smiled from ear to ear. I haven't seen him smile like that in quite a while now, and I just loved seeing his love for his daughter. He kept saying, 'She is just too adorable.' She is the light of his life, not even I have been able to get a smile like that from him!

Not quite sure how to close up this post other then by saying thank you for your continued prayers. I continue to be humbled by the support and generosity of so many.

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