What is this?

What is this? I don't really know, other then a continuation of my updates and writings that I was sharing previously on Caringbridge of this journey through cancer and now widowhood and single parenting.

Maybe it won't end up being anything at all, or maybe it will be a glimpse into my heart, my life, my current situation, my testimony.

Whatever it becomes, I am touched that you are interested.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Love Multiplies

This is such a strange process. Nothing about this is easy. Sit and wait and watch.

Now that we seem to have his discomfort managed, I'll take any minute I can get with him. I have hardly left his side. The other day I popped out to the store briefly and received a text that Brandon said he missed me. So I cut it short and came back and when Brandon woke he told me he missed me and asked me not to leave for that long again. That's my hunnie. <3

Brandon's cousin Matt has stayed here every night so that I also am not alone, helping to keep Brandon comfortable, then family keeps us all company throughout the day and evening.

Aria has been able to spend a couple nights here too, which has been nice. Thankfully she is just such a content baby and sleeps through the night, we aren't disturbing anyone.

I am incredibly thankful for the numerous people who have literally put their life on hold to walk us through this. A cousin who has selflessly given weeks of his life away from his family. A girlfriend who has done the same, flying back and forth at a moments notice, cleaning and organizing our house without direction. A best friend who has flown a red eye flight from Colorado and gone straight from the airport to work after staying the weekend with us at the facility, all the while coordinating food drop offs, cleaning and visitors from afar. My parents who have been back and forth from Pennsylvania to Colorado more times in the past two months then they have in two years and have taken care of Aria overnights. Brandon's parents and brother who have been by our side or on call 24/7 for help, errands and handling tedious logistics.

Close friends just sitting with us and chatting to pass the time by and get occasional chuckles out of Brandon. Friends, family friends, church friends dropping off meals, care packages and baby clothes, sending messages of prayers and encouragement.

Hometown friends organizing a wonderful fundraiser event with dancing and raffles and kids activities in late October.

Forum buddies, whom we have never met, arranging what started out as a simple single item raffle, which has exploded into a huge prize list and over 800 raffle tickets. Coordinating prize packages from donors all over the United States and offering much of their personal time coordinating all the details, receiving the checks, answering questions and I'm sure many details I don't even know about.

A wonderful trigger company donating the special edition triggers with our picture on it, and all the amazing supporters that purchased them.

And that's just scratching the surface of the help and support we have had.

I wish I had words greater then thank you. Please know how much your support has meant, and know that it has lifted us up more then you will ever know. I know God is going to use this experience for a greater good and the love you have shown us will multiply and be given to others in need, and God gives me comfort that that is the best thank you I can give.

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