What is this?

What is this? I don't really know, other then a continuation of my updates and writings that I was sharing previously on Caringbridge of this journey through cancer and now widowhood and single parenting.

Maybe it won't end up being anything at all, or maybe it will be a glimpse into my heart, my life, my current situation, my testimony.

Whatever it becomes, I am touched that you are interested.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The latest & Fundraiser Details

I'm not quite sure what to update at this point.  Things have declined dramatically in the past 36 hours.  The nurses say his heart is strong despite all the other complications, which is why he is hanging on with all he has.  Not only is his heart strong physically, but also emotionally.  He is so dedicated to this life God has given him here.
As his breathing became strained last night I tried to calm his spirit, telling him that it's ok to let go.  His brow furrowed and he said with such heartache, 'I don't want to.'  My heart shattered to pieces.  I tried again this afternoon to reassure him that Aria and I are being bathed in love and support and we will be ok.  He weakly begged me not to make him talk about it.  So I won't.

I want so badly to calm his mind, talk to him of the beauty that Heaven will be, and not to be afraid because there will be no pain, only Glory.  I want to remind him of his own words to me a month ago, that the best that we experience here is only a glimpse of the greatness that God has for us in eternity.

Anytime he briefly opens his eyes he searches for me.  I scoot my bed up next to his at night so it feels as if we are in the same bed again.  Last night he woke many times only to say, 'Sweetie...I love you so much', and go back to sleep. 

Please pray for his continued comfort and for God to bring him home gracefully and peacefully.  I have not given up my prayer for a miracle, but I am coming to terms that I don't think it is in God's plan.  Pray for our strength as well, these next days will be the hardest yet.

Quite a few of you have asked about all the different fund raisers that many have put together on our behalf, so I thought to share them and links to them all in one place:

Giveforward organized by Abbey & Justin Pikul, and Jess and Steve Cordova:

Lifting the Hayslips Beef & Beer in Quakertown by many High School friends:
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/967129176647547/
Donation: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=F0hrEsu2-Je7lgow-POQgALjWFzyPd_z5SIerLGjn...

Younique Makeup Fundraiser (4 days left) organized by Kelly Prince:

Thirty-One Accessories Fundraiser by Michelle Stoneback:

ThomasTypographix Artwork by Erika Thomas:
Digital download: https://www.etsy.com/listing/204097994/brandon-hayslip-special-edition-my-grace?ref=shop_home_active...
Faith Art Canvas: https://www.etsy.com/listing/203417933/brandon-hayslip-special-edition-david?ref=shop_home_active_4
Grace Art Canvas: https://www.etsy.com/listing/203417933/brandon-hayslip-special-edition-david?ref=shop_home_active_4

Geissele Special Edition Trigger: (Picture is in photos on caringbridge)
Details: Geissele Super Select Fire Trigger that has a picture of Brandon and Christina laser engraved on it. There are 51 triggers and all are serialized. 00 and 01 are going to Brandon. The rest Geissele will donate to those Arfcommers who will send in to Geissele a check or money order made out to Christina. Geissele will then forward all the checks and MO onto Christina. 

The donation amount is $250 (retail on the SSF is $320 so its a deal!). Geissele will pay for shipping and include cool Geissele swag. I ask that when you get your trigger you take a picture of it and share on FB, Instagram, Arfcom, etc with a link to the Hayslip Family's donation site. This will help get even more donations for the Hayslip's. 

Just call into the shop (610) 272-2060 and ask for Kelsey. She will be taking your name and address and reserving a serial number for you.

There was also a raffle on ar15.com, but it has been completed and was tremendously successful!

Wow, when I look at all of this I am truly humbled and so incredibly grateful.  Thank you to everyone that has been a part of these fundraisers, organizing and donating!  God Bless you all!

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